Blog - Is Your Company Ready For A Cyber Attack?

As work teams become more remote, cybersecurity has become an increasingly critical issue for companies. Cyberattacks are increasing each year, and your company will be targeted. If you are not prepared for a cyberattack, it’s essential to understand the serious and imminent dangers and the importance of cybersecurity companies.
According to recent statistics, millions of cyberattacks happen each week, and the threat could cost your company millions of dollars in damages. In addition, hackers are constantly trying to gain access to personal information, and it’s essential to have a quality cybersecurity service to protect your company.
If you are based in the U.S., your company is at a higher risk of being attacked than the rest of the companies around the world. Last year alone, hackers made 668 million breaches in the U.S. – a staggering number that underscores the need for cybersecurity measures.
While there are compliance rules and regulations set by HIPAA, PCI, FFIEC, and others that your company must follow, relying solely on compliance products may not provide the coverage you need. It is wise to trust a cybersecurity company to ensure the safety of your company’s network.
The cybersecurity industry is full of experts with extensive education and experience in combating various types of cyberattacks. With a cybersecurity product installed on your network of devices, you can prevent a good amount of attacks, but without an expert, you are still at risk.
Cybersecurity companies provide real-time notifications on serious threats, not false positives. In addition, if an attack is detected, your hired team of experts will start working with you to find a solution within minutes of an attack. This is why it’s best to rely on a cybersecurity company to protect your company’s network.
It’s crucial to understand that cyberattacks can come from various sources, such as the cloud, servers, firewalls, SDS systems, personal devices, and more. With a SIEM solution, you will get preventative software and real-time notifications on serious threats.
In conclusion, cyberattacks are a reality that companies must be prepared for. Understanding the threats and taking necessary precautions to protect your company’s network is essential. With the help of a cybersecurity company, you can have the coverage you need to mitigate the damage caused by a cyberattack. Remember, like accidents, cyberattacks can happen to anyone, but being prepared can make all the difference.
